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Plan My Gap Year Tanzania

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Plan my gap year in Tanzania is the process that involves putting together all activities and logistics that will enable a volunteer or traveler to spend an entire year working, travelling or volunteering abroad in Tanzania. Planning a gap year just like plan my gap year in Tanzania Involves an agent whose main role is putting together ideas, demands and requirements so that schedules and itinerary are in place to suit your needs and for a comfortable annual stay in Tanzania. Currently the trend is that when people within of doing a gap year abroad, they tend to think of a gap year in Tanzania.

In recent year, Tanzania has become one of the most popular tourist destinations. Tanzania has witnessed its annual number of tourist doubling in recent years. The number of tourist going for a gap year in Tanzania has also doubled. Major International Airlines have decided to resume flights to Tanzania. Air France among other is planning to resume its flights to Dar Es Salaam Tanzania in 2023. British Airways which stopped its operation in Tanzania in late 90’s is also looking to resume. This and more are evidence that more people are thing of doing their gap year in Tanzania.

Located just below the equator, Tanzania offers an ideal climate for holiday and travelling. It’s is the biggest country in East Africa, almost two times the size of Kenya. To the East Tanzania is bordering the beautiful beaches of the Indian Ocean, more over Tanzania is blessed for having some of the most beautiful Islands in Africa and the world. Zanzibar also called the spice Island and Mafia Island are the talk of the world in terms of beauty and what they have offer to tourists. Tanzania gap year is usually on top of the list to anyone thing of a gap year abroad.

Your gap year in Tanzania is also a gateway to Africa’s highest Mountain and the world’s highest freestanding Mountain MT Kilimanjaro. Standing about 5,895 Meter above the sea level, this roof of Africa is tourist want to see sight is Africa. Tanzania is not only home to the great Mt Kilimanjaro but also home to the most popular and the biggest national park in Africa, Serengeti national Park. This is also home to the big five and the only National Park to offer the best safari and game drive in the whole of Africa. Try a gap year in Tanzania and see the 8th wander of the world, the Ng’orong’oro Crater to name a few.

Tanzania offers diversity in terms of location or areas to take your gap year in Tanzania. Different gap year locations in Tanzania have unique taste. Tanzania has island locations, Costal locations, high altitude locations, rural locations, urban locations you name it. Some of the most popular gap year in Tanzania locations are :-


  • Take Zanzibar Gap year in Tanzania
  • Take Arusha Gap year in Tanzania
  • Take Dar es Salaam Gap year in Tanzania
  • Take Kilimanjaro Gap Year in Tanzania

plan my gap year in tanzania

About Tanzania

An over view

Tanzania is the largest of the East African countries (945,203 km2 ). The country has more than 120 ethnic groups with Swahili being the main unifying language. English is also an official language. The country values nature and heritage to the extent that it has set aside about 40.5% of its total land for conservation.,

The country is well known for Kilimanjaro – the highest mountain in Africa (the roof of Africa); Serengeti – endless plains and the home of world’s longest wildebeest migration, Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, which are also known as Spice Islands. Tanzania is also a home to Ngorongoro Crater one of the natural wonders of world, Selous Game Reserve – the largest in the world, and great lakes namely the deepest Lake Tanganyika and the second largest in the world – Lake Victoria and Lake Nyasa.

Tanzania owns 7 World Heritage Sites both natural and cultural, namely the Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Selous Game Reserve, Stone town of Zanzibar, Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and Songo Mnara, and Kondoa Rock Art Paintings. There are equally many more unique attractions located all over the country including unexplored beaches along more than 800km stretch of the Indian coastline.

Geographical location and size

Tanzania covers an area of 945,203 km2 on the eastern side of Africa and is bordered by the Indian Ocean on the East; Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia on the South; Kenya and Uganda on the North; and Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and Rwanda on the West.

Topography and climate

Tanzania is endowed with several topographical features such as mountains in the northern and southern parts of the country, hills and plateaus covered with grasses, lakes, river basins and the Great East African Rift Valley. The country has a coastal stretch of about 800 km along the Indian Ocean. The country is characterized by tropical climate with regional variations due its topography. The coast is warm with average temperatures of 310 C. The highland areas have cool temperatures below 200 C. The country experiences a bimodal rainfall pattern for northern, eastern and southern coast. Low rainfall season is from October to December and high season from March to May. The southern and western parts of the country receive one rainfall season from December to April. Annual rainfall varies from 200mm to 1000mm over most parts of the country.


Tanzania is the most populous nation in East Africa with a population of 45 million (2012 census). The estimated population for 2014 is about 47.7 million. The average annual population growth rate is 2.92 percent.

The economy

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in Tanzania for the year 2013 stood at US$ 502.08 with the last growth rate ranging from 7-11.20%. The economy is driven by transport, communications, tourism, manufacturing and agriculture with a support of public investment in infrastructure. This makes Tanzania among the fast growing economies in Africa. The trend of growth is due to solid macro-economic base and political stability. Tanzania has been a leading Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) destination in the East African Region in the last decade, which was about US 1.71bn in the year 2012. This has been due to improved overall legal, business framework and conducive investment climate in the country. Tanzania will maintain its competitive advantage in terms of natural resources, tourism, price competitiveness, affinity to travel and environmental sustainability. These improvements provide more opportunities for investments in tourism and related sectors such as ground and air transport and ICT.

Natural resources

Tanzania enjoys a diversity of natural resources including minerals, forests, wildlife and fisheries. The tourism sector, with a growth rate of 12 per cent for the last four years is one of the fastest growing sectors, contributing about 17.2% of the GDP and 41.7% of foreign exchange earnings in the last five years. The country earned USD 4,987.5 million from the tourism sector in the last four years. Tanzania receives more than one million tourists annually and this number is growing rapidly. Developments of other attractions within and outside protected areas coupled with tourism promotion have provided wider opportunities for investment in the sector.

Key Facts

  • Tanzania’s population is projected to increase from 53.9 million in 2015 to 186.9 million by 2065. Young people aged 15-34 are projected to increase from 17.8 million to 62.3 million by 2065.
  • As a result of persistent high fertility total dependency is high with about 92 young and old-age dependents (0-14 years and 65+ years) for every 100 people of working age (15-64 years) thus putting severe pressure on state and household resources.
  • The demand for basic services such as schooling, housing and healthcare will increase significantly by 2065. For instance, demand for primary school places could increase from an estimated 10 million in 2015 to between 18 and 27 million by 2065.

Steps in Planning a Gap Year in Tanzania

Choose who to join you in Your Gap Year in Tanzania

It is always advice not to go alone in such a trip abroad, taking into consideration you will be staying for the whole year away from your family and comfort zone. Below are merits of traveling with a friend to Tanzania:-

  • Avoiding feeling bored and lonely.
  • Fees and Cost sharing advantage.
  • It is always safe when you are with someone you are familiar with.


Fund raise Gap Year Cost to Tanzania.

It could cost you around $5,000 for a gap year, an amount which you need raise in case you can’t afford it own your own, However there are other cost to be aware of and these include:-

  • Visa arrangements.
  • Passport Renewal.
  • Vaccinations
  • sightseeing fees


Reserve your return flight to Tanzania

It is always advice to book your flight as early as possible this helps you to cut down costs and also voids any inconvenience associated with flights being full and cancellations, booking your flight at least three month prior to your trip is always advised.

Put together your Tanzania gap year requirements

Here a checklist is very important, make sure all that is in the check list is taken care of, this should be done at least two month prior to your trip. The following should be checked before your trip to Tanzania:-

  • Healthcare
  • Travel Insurance.
  • Passport
  • Visa issues.
  • Bank issues.
  • Safety issues.

plan my gap year in tanzania 2023

Determine buying requirements before gap trip      

You to purchase the basic requirements as most of the things could be bought when you arrive at your destination. Make sure you have the following:-

  • Limited clothing.
  • Towel
  • Reserved accommodation.
  • A rucksack

Return back home.

Make sure you have enough funds to live comfortable when you return back home. Spend as little as possible while you are in your gap year in Tanzania, taking into consideration you have life to live when you return home.  

Plan my Gap Year in Tanzania associated Cost

To get the most out of your gap year in Tanzania, it’s virtual to plan your budget. It’s important you have adequate funds to make the most of all opportunities when you arrive in Tanzania for your gap year. Fortunately, We have a lot of innovative ideas to help you fund  a gap year in Tanzania.

Costs of planning a Tanzania gap year

Before you travel, it’s important to fully understand your budget in order to make the most of opportunities and adventures in Tanzania. Try to estimate your expenses and plan how you will finance your time.

Gap year to Tanzania cost include vacation or gap plan fees, accommodation and meals and the cost of your independent travel arrangements.

Tanzania Gap year program fees

All organizations which organize Tanzania gap year programs usually charge a fee regardless of whether you work or volunteer. Price usually widely. The average price of the program, including accommodation and food, is about $2000 per person per month. Prices of course depend on placement time length, what’s included and distance between accommodation and programs site. Most program fees include food and accommodation, while others have lower fees but you have to pay for accommodation and food yourself.

gap year tanzania

Strength of a Gap Year In Tanzania 

Get Contacts

Your gap year in Tanzania will give an opportunity to meet different people of different backgrounds and calibers. One can use these people us contacts in job search, business dealing and even reference in several other life endeavors.  This is an opportunity to sell your potential internationally and get business cards from very potential people in Tanzania.

Win International friends

Your time in Tanzania will eventually help you to get close to people and hence get to know each other even better in the long run. These will then be called your international friends, and there is so much potential getting friends outside you comfort zone meaning your home country. These friends can be very beneficial to you in several ways.

Develop employability skills

During your gap year you will be able to work or volunteer in Tanzania. In so doing you will be developing working skills and gain a lot of experience working.  Some of the skills attained during such scenario are interpersonal skill, communication skills, team work etc. it is these skills that will give you a cutting edge during university admission and job interviews.  

Challenging their Ability

The nature of the students is adventurous, you can’t deny that. Most students take a gap year to challenge themselves, get out of their comfort zone, face their fears and have new challenges. They may decide to hike in the forest, climb a mountain for charity, volunteer in African countries, or go scuba diving, skiing, or snowboarding.

It’s a pro to take a gap between studies

Entering another year of university, it is very beneficial to take some time off travel, relax and enjoy. Studies show students who go for vacations during university holidays come back better and tend to perfume better and master course better.

Develop and attain new talents

You learn a lot will in a gap year, let say you might learn new sport, new life skills, and new language and in Tanzania Swahili is spoken all most everywhere. You also learn to teach English as a second language, become familiar a whole lot of new skills.

Meaningful, worthwhile and Reward Travel

Most students travel so that the can do something meaningful, it has been a common phenomenon that also give back to those who don’t have hence the needy.  Going for gap year in Tanzania and doing some volunteer work is a way for giving back to the needy and poor local communities in Tanzania. This process is very rewarding to the students.

Best time to take a Gap Year in Tanzania

Gap years (between high school and college, or as a college semester) are becoming increasingly popular around the world, and for good reason. What do you want when life changes? A gap year is when you take time off to travel, volunteer, or work.

But when is the best time to take a gap year in Tanzania? Although the actual participants of this KIVOLEX Volunteers Tanzania gap year program are usually between high school and college, travel is the only time in their lives. This is not the time. Many of our programs choose to take a leave of absence from the university for several years after graduation. It’s important to weigh your options and decide what works best for you.


The following are the best options of time to take a gap year in Tanzania.

  • Gap Year after high school
  • Gap Year during College
  • Gap Year after College
  • Career Break


Plan My Internship Gap Year in Tanzania

Would you like to gain work experience in Tanzania? Get inspiration and great training in Tanzania! A gap year internship in Tanzania is a great way to gain new experience while improving your resume. It is also an opportunity to challenge yourself and immerse yourself in the real environment of Tanzania. We offer a range of amazing unpaid internships in Tanzania.

Make a real difference to communities in Tanzania through extraordinary medical experiences. Or join an initial veterinary training to work with wildlife, pets and livestock at a wildlife sanctuary, farm or countryside! , perfect training opportunities in Tanzania are waiting for you!

Deciding on a gap year can be a difficult task. There are many gap year plans, places to explore, and ways to grow. A gap year Internship in Tanzania can offer unique opportunities not available at home. The friends, connections and memories you make during your Internship in Tanzania will stay with you throughout your career, while your unique professional experience will set you apart from your peers and grow even before you enter college.

Being a gap year Internship student, you are part of a close-knit community of young professionals from around the world. At each destination, Interns will live, travel and explore together. A group of like-minded people will enjoy the experience with you, with a local team to support you every step of the way as you immerse yourself in a new culture and city life.

Plan My Volunteering Gap Year in Tanzania

Planning to do something meaningful on your Tanzania gap year? With KIVOLEX Volunteers, you can volunteer in Tanzania doing everything from teaching to parenting to construction.

We partner with disadvantaged societies in Tanzania to provide sustainable forms of development through youth education, housing and community development. Most of the work our past volunteers have put in so far is amazing. Please join us!

Work with children in an underserved community or participate in outdoor children’s sports. Gain valuable work experience while transforming our healthcare program. If you love animals, volunteer in one of our conservation and wildlife programs, or are a hands-on person, one of our building projects may be right for you. Yes.

Plan My Elective Gap Year in Tanzania

KIVOLEX arranges affordable Gap year medical electives in Tanzania. Our Gap year medical electives in Tanzania takes place in a challenging and rewarding healthcare environment. KIVOLEX Volunteers Gap year Medical electives takes place in the following location sin Tanzania:- Arusha, Dar Es Salaam, Zanzibar etc.

KIVOLEX Medical elective opportunities provide medical students with valuable opportunities for work experience in hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. Share your skills with those who need your support most. Volunteer with local doctors through outreach programs and community days.

Gain Diverse perspective on health and medical systems while volunteering in medical system of Tanzania. Watch experiments that challenge what you’ve learned and witness a variety of unfamiliar situations and infections. You are in control of your medical choices, so choose the department, setting, and destination that works best for you.

tanzania gap year

Gap Year in Tanzania final Thoughts

When to do a gap year Tanzania depends with a person. However most students do it before or after university but that is not your only chance tp do a gap year in Tanzania. A good number of people take a break during their career to go for a gap year in Tanzania, hence if you missed a chance to to a Tanzania gap year during university and school you still have a chance to do a gap year in Tanzania. don’t be afraid of the word Year, if you don’t have enough time you can still go for less than a year and if you have more time you go for even over a year. 



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