4.8/5 - (223 Reviews)



Try your Midwifery Elective in Zanzibar, also called Spice Island, Zanzibar is the main tourist attraction in Tanzania. Midwifery Elective in Zanzibar Tanzania is one of the most preferred volunteer program by many volunteers in the Island. Zanzibar is famous for its beaches and historical tourism. Zanzibar has a rich history and helps to understand the development of many major cities in East Africa. Zanzibar has beautiful beaches and this is the only reason volunteers stay longer even after their volunteer programs in Tanzania.


  • Having an unforgettable and rewarding volunteer experience and an unforgettable cultural experience in Tanzania.
  • Discover the difference that enthusiastic volunteers make in people’s lives.
  • Discover what this land of unforgettable and diverse cultural experiences has to offer while building understanding and friendship with the locals.
  • Dedicated to us, not for us. We are most impressed with your knowledge and, above all, your desire to help.
  • Visit the Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Kilimanjaro and more for an unforgettable wilderness experience.


Midwifery Elective Tanzania Zanzibar Review


About Us

KIVOLEXis a volunteer organization that arranges volunteer programs and elective abroad.
We are a non-profit organisation, aimed at improving the lives of all those in need in the local community. Specifically, we work with underprivileged groups such as women and children through providing the needed healthcare and services from our volunteers. Established to bring Western enthusiasm, expertise and passion to tackling some of the problems which affect the most needy in the world. Our ethos is that you’ll be volunteering with us, not for us. We’re far more interested in your skills and desire to help than your money.

 KiVolEx is run by a group of experienced social workers and doctors who have seen the difference passionate volunteers can make to people’s lives. We have support in the UK and US in the form of previous volunteers, who handle the recruitment and support of new volunteers before they fly out to begin project work. 


KIVOLEX Volunteers Medical programs

Volunteering abroad or Elective is a very rewarding activity, both for you and for the community with which you work. Don’t underestimate the skills you have that will make a difference: one of the most important is that you are fluent in English. Since most higher education courses in Tanzania are in English, just being exposed to fluent English is very beneficial for volunteering in Tanzania. You will create memories (and friends) that will last a lifetime, knowing that you have made lasting positive changes in the community in which you volunteered, but you also become more independent and whole as a person. We will try to find the best medical department/area for you. If there’s something specific you want to do, we’ll put you there, and if not, we’ll work with you to come up with something that will greatly benefit you and the local community.

Million of people are the world die every year due to a lack of proper equipment and professionals, hence need for medical volunteers and Interns. We place our volunteers and Interns in different medical clinics and hospitals on the outskirts of Zanzibar. Most of these health centers and hospitals have rudimentary equipment and facilities which in most cases limit the ability of the professionals to perform well. Volunteers and Interns are placed in hospitals and health centers based on their qualifications and experience. Medical volunteers and Interns must show initiative and a willingness to work in a new environment.

Given the paramount importance of proper medical care, as well as the fact that most volunteers and Interns are unable to communicate directly with patients due to language barriers, volunteers undergoing medical training in other countries should understand that they may not be allowed to participate in certain serious medical conditions. Local doctors are reluctant to allow volunteers to operate on patients. Although a medical volunteer may be skilled enough to do this, they are unlikely to be familiar with the tools available abroad. Therefore, if working in a medical setting, volunteers should not be frustrated if they have not already had surgery. Volunteers will monitor surgeries, measure blood pressure, administer vaccines and perform a wide range of other medical tasks.

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania Zanzibar lack enough midwifery practitioners to provide midwife services in Tanzania Zanzibar Hospitals. In Tanzania 6,000 nurses and midwifery students graduate every year. The challenge is that most of these graduates end up being employed by private health facilities. Almost 60% of the medical staff in Tanzania Zanzibar are employed by private health facilities. There are few medical staff especially midwife nurses employed in public health facilities. However these public health facilities provide for majority of Tanzania Population. This together with several other factors justifies why Tanzania need a lot of Students especially in midwifery Elective to help the tackle this challenge.


Zanzibar Medical Elective Program Objectives

The purpose of the program is to expose students who want to pursue a career in healthcare to the realities of the career before they begin college and medical school or before they graduate from medical schools. Students who have attended past Tanzania midwifery elective programs have graduated the program with a strong sense of validation that they have chosen the right career path, while also understanding the hard work that will be required to be successful Medical Practitioners. Students will also come away with an appreciation of the culture and opportunities within the Internship or elective location.

Tanzania medical elective exchange program presents growth opportunities for the host countries as well as the program exposes students to the medical faculty. Students at past programs have expressed a desire to return to their host country in the future, either as tourists, employees or volunteers. Medical elective Tanzania also offers opportunity to demonstrate to local recruits what kind of programs the university or facility has to offer, and can provide engagement opportunities between visiting and local students.

What is expected of Midwifery elective Program Zanzibar

Other challenges that Maternity health center face in Tanzania are as follows:-  

  • Lack of clean well equipped health facility.
  • Lack of a maternity ward that is fully staffed with enough midwives.
  • Lack of enough hospital beds for all delivering women
  • Lack of enough clean lines for everyone to use in hospitals.

Roles of Midwifery Volunteers, Elective and Interns in Zanzibar

  • Helping preparing equipment to be used for serve new born babies and pregnant women.
  • Help in arranging things in the ward and putting things in place
  • Helping in delivering babies
  • Help keeping records of the babies and pregnant women

The rationally of most decisions to do Midwifery Volunteer Elective Program in Zanzibar 2022 lies in not only the needy nature of the County’s economy but also in the diversity of the tourist attractions the Country has to offer. Climb Mt Kilimanjaro, World highest free standing Mount and see the statue of liberty from the top of this mountain. Mt Kilimanjaro Is located In North East part of the country, close to Moshi Town and Arusha City. Decide to join our Volunteer programs in Arusha and Moshi? then you will have an opportunity to enjoy the magnificent view of Mt Kilimanjaro every day.

About Tanzania

With such a perfect location, perched on the edge of the African continent, and facing the Indian Ocean, Tanzania’s weather and climate leaves nothing to be desired. Warm and sunny days are followed by cool and balmy nights, and whether you’re on safari on the Serengeti plains or enjoying the tropical beaches of Zanzibar, the temperatures are always welcoming and gentle.

Location: Situated in East Africa just south of the equator, mainland Tanzania lies between the area of the great lakes—Victoria, Tanganyika, and Malawi (Nyasa)—and the Indian Ocean. It contains a total area of 945,087 sq km (364,900 sq mi), including 59,050 sq km (22,799 sq mi) of inland water. Comparatively, the area occupied by Tanzania is slightly larger than twice the size of the state of California. It is bounded on the North by Uganda and Kenya, on the East by the Indian Ocean, on the South by Mozambique and Malawi, on the South West by Zambia, and on the West by Zaire, Burundi, and Rwanda, with a total boundary length of 4,826 km (2,999 mi), of which 1,424 km (885 mi) is coastline. Tanzania claims part of Lake Malawi, although its internationally recognized boundary is the eastern shore.

Population: 50,483,923 inhabitants

Capital city: Located in the heartland of Tanzania, Dodoma is the nation’s new official political capital and the seat of government in the country. Today Dar es Salaam remains the principal commercial city of Tanzania and the de-facto seat of most government institutions. It is the major seaport for the country and its landlocked neighbors.

Ethnic Groups

Ethnic Groups: Mainland-native Africans constitute 99% of the total population. About 120 peoples have been categorized into 5 ethnic groups distinguishable by their physical characteristics and languages. Approximately 95% of Tanzanians may be roughly classified as Bantu, a comparatively recent blend mainly of Hamitic and Negroid stocks. Tribes range in membership from only a few thousand to the Sukuma tribe, which numbers more than 2 million. Other major tribes include the Nyamwezi, Makonde, Haya, and Chagga. The Luo, east of Lake Victoria, are the only people of Nilotic origin; the Masai of the northern highlands are Nilo-Hamites. A very small number of Bushmen-like people are scattered throughout northern Tanzania, where small tribes of Cushitic origin also live. The inhabitants of Zanzibar and Pemba are chiefly descendants of mainland Africans or are of mixed African and Arab extraction. The remaining 1% of the populace is made up of non-Africans, including Arabs, Asians, and Europeans.


Languages: The official languages of Tanzania are English and Kiswahili. However, some 120 languages are spoken within the borders of Tanzania. The large majority of these (ca. 100) are Bantu languages. The others belong to the language families Afro-Asiatic, Nilo-Saharan and (controversially) also Khoesan. A small number are unclassified. Immigrant languages from Europe and Asia can also be found.


 Religion: Christianity and Islam are the predominant religions of Tanzania. About 40-45% of the population practice Christianity, about 35-40% practice Islam. The rest of the population adheres to traditional beliefs, most of which centre around ancestor worship and nature-based animism. Most Christians live on the mainland, where missionary stations and schools reach deep into the continent. Islam is the major religion of the coastal areas but is also practiced further inland along the old caravan routes.


Requirements to Volunteer
To participate in the program, you must be at least 18 years old on the day the program begins. You can be forgiven if you have permission from your legal guardian or if you are accompanied by a parent.

Language skills: Speak English (beginner Level)

Educational Requirements Secondary school education in any field

Required documents Resume, copies of certificates and related documents

There are no citizenship restrictions. We welcome support from all over the world.

Promise Time We need your help Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:00 am to 3:00 am.

Prices for a Midwifery volunteer Elective program Zanzibar include:

Facilitation of volunteer placement – planning and monitoring of graduate programs
Pre-arrival support and project / training preparation
Airport transportation
Orientation (usually starting Monday)
Accommodation (Breakfast and Dinner)
Daily face-to-face communication with internal coordinators

Exclude the following

Donate $ 150 for Project donation
Airport transfer at departure (on request)
VISA Standards and PERMITS

We are very Flexible, Volunteers can arrive at any date

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Why volunteer in Zanzibar in 2022? At this point, you could be asking yourself this question. There are hundreds of volunteer sites around the globe, so you may be wondering why Volunteer in Zanzibar Midwifery Elective program. I am going to show you some reasons why volunteers choose destination Tanzania.

Meaningful Volunteer work in Tanzania has been progressively growing in modern years. This factor alone is an important indicator that Tanzania has a lot to offer. However, we have decided to break down for you, main factors our volunteers use to deciding on destination Tanzania. These factors are:-

  • Ideal Country position
  • Meaningful Projects
  • Local talents and language
  • Natural Attractions
  • Value for money


We have two types of accommodations in our of locations of Arusha and Dar Es Salaam. In Zanzibar we only have one accommodation type and that is Volunteer house.

Volunteer House

The House used for Volunteers is a modern one and hence offers modern accommodation. The house has five bed rooms and all rooms are equipped with bunk beds for easy sharing of the room with other Volunteers. The house has two bathrooms and all our bathrooms are modern and western style bathrooms.

Hot water for shower is not guaranteed but you could have it occasionally.  The house is very secure and safe; it is within a compound with a wall fence and a large metal gate. There is always a security guide making sure everything is secure. We have a cook and a house manager who are always at the house to make sure volunteers are well fed and that there is order in the house.

Homestay Accommodation

Life at the homestay is basic and at least all our homestays have electric and running water. All our homestays are safe and secure. However, Some volunteers prefer home stays because to them the authentic felling of volunteering in Africa is important and they believe that can be achieved by staying in a homestay. All homestay are well inspected and vetted to make sure our volunteers stay in very secure accommodation.


You will receive two meals a day. Breakfast usually consists of tea (toast), toast, cereals, fruit and mandazi (fried flour). Dinner is usually served with meat and vegetables such as charcoal, pancakes, squash and standalone.


volunteer in Tanzania accommodation

KIVOLEX looks forward to and encourages your desire for travel and adventure. Time away from voluntary work is up to you to decide on your own activities. You can also enjoy the local culture and spend time in the community on weekends. Alternatively, there are plenty of opportunities to explore Tanzania and all it has to offer. Long weekends can be game drives or trips to Zanzibar, Da Es Salaam, Kenya and Uganda. If volunteers want to volunteer on weekends, they can join a local team, visit other children’s organizations, and play and play with children.

Tanzania is a big country full of exciting adventures. If you wish to stay in the country after your volunteering, we can help you organize excursions and activities. You can go on safari anywhere on the planet through the Serengeti or Ngorogoro which has the most safari animals. Relax on the Spice Island of Zanzibar and enjoy the uninterrupted sunshine, white sandy beaches and crystal clear blue water. Swim with dolphins, PADI dive routes, spearfishing and sleep in a hammock among palm trees on the sand. We love Zanzibar! For more physical adventure, Kilimanjaro, the tallest freestanding mountain in the world, is just around the corner. After five days of climbing, about 4 miles high, the temperature at the top dropped to -25. Not for the faint of heart, but it is possible.

More Info

Travel insurance
Going abroad is an adventure and it is always best to prepare for it. Sudden illness or injury, cancellation or theft – travel insurance in Tanzania provides and is a supplement.

If you are considering volunteering in Tanzania, you should consult your doctor before embarking on a social journey. Check out mandatory vaccinations in Tanzania.

Arrival notice

Our program runs throughout the year, but volunteers usually arrive every Friday and the program begins every Monday. except for special programs. The arrival airport are the Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar Es salaam, Kilimanjaro International Airport in Moshi and Abeid Karume International airport in Zanzibar.

midwifery volunteer program tanzania